The UAI lab is dedicated to exploring and advancing cutting-edge techniques in the domain of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and analytics. The main focus of the laboratory lies in investigating topics related to the use of complex data (tables, text, images, time series, graphs, etc.) by artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and statistics techniques.
Our history of excellence and achievements goes back to the Smart Sense Lab research group, founded in 2013, and the Laboratory of Statistical Learning founded in 2020. In June 2023, professors from both laboratories, Flavio Figueiredo, Renato Martins, Pedro Olmo and William Schwartz , gave rise to the UAI. Currently, the UAI conducts research projects, strategic Research and Development (R&D) partnerships and training in collaboration with several partners, such as Petrobras, Trixel, Localiza, C&A, Maxtrack, HP, Samsung, the State Research Support Foundation of Minas Gerais (Fapemig), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), Usiminas and Samarco.
We invite you to explore more about the history of our laboratory, learning about some of the innovative projects that marked each stage of our journey. Discover how the many people who have been and still remain in the laboratory contributed great ideas and brilliant research that contributed to the advancement of Artificial Intelligence
In 2013, the Smart Sense Lab was created, marking the beginning of its legacy. That same year, Cássio dos Santos Júnior won second place at the 26th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) for his work on detecting unregistered subjects in face galleries. In 2014, Victor Hugo Cunha de Melo defended the first master’s thesis on fast and robust optimization approaches for pedestrian detection. The first workshop, DeepEyes, was held over two days at UFMG in 2016. In 2017, Rafael Vareto won the second-best article award at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) for his work on open gallery face recognition using hashing functions. By 2018, Jéssica Sena defended the tenth master’s thesis on human activity recognition based on wearable sensors using DCNN multi-scale ensemble. Finally, in June 2023, professors Flavio Figueiredo, Renato Martins, and Pedro Olmo joined William Schwartz’s Smart Sense Lab, forming LabUAI.