Usiminas Data science residency

Thinking about expanding the knowledge of its employees, Usiminas carried out mentoring with professionals from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, one of the references in data science in the country. The initiative was the result of a partnership between Universidade Corporativa Usiminas, IT Directorate and UFMG.

The program, which lasted one year, covered theory and practice to develop and improve work processes at Usiminas. Giselle Miranda Bento, coordinator of the Center of Excellence in Analytics at Usiminas, highlights the importance of the mentoring project and encouraging data culture. “With new technologies, we have much more data in circulation and it is very important to understand it. The world of data science is no longer exclusive to the technical IT landscape or a data team. Data literacy is a great asset for Usiminas, we want our employees to be able to visualize opportunities within their areas and propose solutions”, she concludes.